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Hyperlaunch Showcases Innovative Chrome Features with Google Chrome News Extension


Hyperlaunch partnered with Google to develop the Google Chrome News extension, a dynamic and open-source Chrome app that demonstrated the capabilities of the latest Chrome SDKs. Built to highlight features like device syncing, offline functionality, and IndexedDB integration, the extension served as a key Developer Advocacy Project and a tool to educate and inspire developers globally. Google’s creative partner, Tokyo Digital, provided the UI design, ensuring a modern and engaging user experience.

Screenshots of the Google Chrome News extension

The Challenge

Google sought an innovative way to demonstrate the potential of new Chrome SDKs, such as device syncing and IndexedDB, to the global developer community. The goal was to create a fully functional, user-friendly Chrome extension that could pull in content from Google News and work seamlessly offline, offering a robust example of how to build advanced Chrome applications.

The Solution

Hyperlaunch rose to the challenge by developing the Google Chrome News extension, using the Backbone.js framework to create a modular and maintainable codebase. Key steps in the development process included:

Technical Details


The Google Chrome News extension quickly gained traction within the developer community, serving as both an educational resource and a showcase of Chrome’s latest capabilities. The project underscored Hyperlaunch’s ability to deliver high-impact, innovative solutions in collaboration with leading technology companies.

Chris Garrett, CEO of Hyperlaunch, commented, “Having the opportunity to access cutting-edge features in Chrome was fantastic for our team. We were able to push the boundaries of what Chrome extensions can do and showcase our coding capabilities on such an impressive stage. This project truly demonstrates Hyperlaunch’s expertise in using emerging technologies to deliver innovative solutions.”


The Google Chrome News extension stands as a testament to Hyperlaunch’s ability to create state-of-the-art applications that not only meet but exceed the expectations of industry leaders like Google. Through this project, Hyperlaunch demonstrated its commitment to innovation and its ability to rapidly develop and deploy high-quality software solutions. As developers continue to explore and expand the capabilities of the Chrome platform, Hyperlaunch remains at the forefront, ready to guide and inspire.

By providing an open-source repository and an in-depth web.dev article, the Google Chrome News extension continues to serve as a valuable resource for developers looking to harness the full potential of the Chrome platform. For companies aiming to showcase the latest advancements in web technologies, Hyperlaunch is the ideal partner, combining technical prowess with a deep understanding of developer advocacy and education.

Just build it
Hyprlnch Limited, Bartle House, Manchester