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Domino Release Manager

Hyperlaunch Develops Domino Release Manager for Domino Records


Hyperlaunch collaborated with Domino Records to create the Domino Release Manager, a state-of-the-art platform that integrates every aspect of a music release’s lifecycle. From capturing contract details and managing audio files to scheduling artwork production and digital distribution, the Release Manager serves as the single source of truth for managing the group’s rights. With Domino’s rapid growth through organic expansion and acquisitions, this central repository became essential. The platform also provides comprehensive workflow management, tracking every step from sourcing recordings to final market release. Built with Rails and Hotwire, the Domino Release Manager is now a vital tool used across the organisation.

Screenshots of Domino RM home screen

The Challenge

As Domino Records expanded its recording and publishing catalogues, they needed a robust system to manage the increasing complexity of their operations. The existing processes were fragmented, with different teams using disparate systems to handle contracts, artwork, manufacturing, and distribution. Domino required a unified solution that could manage the entire lifecycle of a release, maintain a single source of truth for rights management, and adapt to the rapidly changing music industry landscape.

The Solution

Screenshots of Domino RM track list

Hyperlaunch took on the challenge of designing and developing the Domino Release Manager, a platform tailored to meet Domino Records’ specific needs. Key steps included:

Technical Details


The Domino Release Manager has become an integral part of Domino Records’ operations, significantly improving efficiency and consistency across the organisation. It has enabled Domino to manage its growing catalogue effectively, ensuring that all departments have access to the same up-to-date information, and streamlining the entire release process from start to finish.

Screenshots of Domino RM release list

Max Kolombos, CTO at Domino, commented, “The Domino Release Manager has been pivotal in transforming our release management processes. It has provided a centralised, reliable system that supports our continued growth and helps us manage our expanding catalogue with confidence.”

Chris Garrett, CEO of Hyperlaunch, added, “It was a pleasure to work closely with Domino to develop a platform that not only meets their operational needs but also supports their strategic goals. The collaboration resulted in a powerful tool that facilitates their operations and drives their growth.”


The Domino Release Manager exemplifies Hyperlaunch’s expertise in delivering customised, scalable solutions that address complex business needs. By creating a platform that integrates every aspect of the release lifecycle and adapts to the changing music industry landscape, Hyperlaunch has helped Domino Records maintain its competitive edge and continue its impressive growth trajectory.

Just build it
Hyprlnch Limited, Bartle House, Manchester