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Platoon Insights

Hyperlaunch Delivers Platoon Insights Business Intelligence Tool


Hyperlaunch developed Platoon Insights, a custom business intelligence tool designed to handle and analyse billions of streaming data points. This tool provided aggregated insights across Platoon’s diverse roster of artists, addressing gaps left by existing solutions and playing a crucial role in enhancing Platoon’s value before their acquisition by Apple.

The Challenge

With over 300 artists, Platoon needed a robust data platform to process and analyse massive volumes of streaming data from digital service providers (DSPs) like Spotify and Apple Music. The goal was to create a tool that offered actionable insights for both internal business use and artist-specific analytics, something existing tools in the music industry could not fully achieve.

The challenge also included developing a system to estimate artist payouts in real-time based on streaming data, which was crucial for financial transparency and accurate artist compensation.

The Solution

Hyperlaunch proposed a two-phase approach, starting with an internal business intelligence dashboard followed by an artist-facing platform. The initial focus was to quickly deliver a tool that could manage large volumes of data, provide actionable reports, and estimate artist payouts in real-time.

Key steps included:

Technical Details


Platoon Insights empowered Platoon to analyse and gain insights from billions of streaming data points. The tool effectively answered key business questions about artist performance, audience engagement, and revenue generation. The SuperPay algorithm provided accurate real-time estimates of artist payouts, enhancing financial transparency. The tool offered comprehensive views of streaming data, identified top-performing artists, tracked revenue across platforms, and visualised the geographic distribution of streams. This successful proof of concept laid the groundwork for a more advanced artist-facing platform, enhancing artist engagement and data-driven decision-making.

Chris Garrett, CEO of Hyperlaunch, remarked, “It was a pleasure to work with Platoon at such an early stage and see them through an acquisition by a major player like Apple. It’s gratifying to know our tool continues to be used within Apple, demonstrating the value of tailored business intelligence solutions.”


The delivery of Platoon Insights highlights Hyperlaunch’s capability to develop effective, scalable solutions rapidly. By managing and analysing billions of streaming data points and providing real-time payout estimates, Hyperlaunch helped Platoon enhance their data analysis capabilities and gain a competitive advantage. For organisations seeking to use extensive data for growth, Hyperlaunch provides the expertise to deliver impactful, bespoke solutions.

Just build it
Hyprlnch Limited, Bartle House, Manchester