Labs Hyperlaunch
Web Audio Meets PWA


Experimenting with Binaural Beats and Web Tech

Decimal is a project from Hyperlaunch exploring the use of the Web Audio API to generate binaural beats right in the browser. Built as a Progressive Web App (PWA) using Astro, the app is an experiment in combining cutting-edge web technologies to deliver a smooth, responsive experience. Decimal has quickly gained traction, with thousands of daily users and session lengths over 20 minutes on average.

Screenshots of the Decimal presets

The Tech Behind Decimal

Decimal was developed using a stack that embraces modern web capabilities:

Screenshots of the Decimal player

Experimenting with PWAs and View Transitions

Decimal isn’t just an audio experiment; it’s also a playground for exploring modern PWA capabilities and new approaches to view transitions:

User Engagement

Decimal’s design isn’t just about functionality; it’s about keeping users engaged. With 1000s of daily users and session lengths averaging over 20 minutes, the data suggests that users are finding real value in the experience. We’re using this engagement data to fine-tune the app, improve performance, and experiment with new features.

Just build it
Hyprlnch Limited, Bartle House, Manchester