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Air Quality

Hyperlaunch Develops Air Quality App for Toyota’s Auris Hybrid Launch


Hyperlaunch partnered with Toyota’s creative agency, Happiness Brussels, to develop the Air Quality App, a cutting-edge tool designed to raise awareness about urban air pollution and promote the benefits of Toyota’s Auris Hybrid. By integrating real-time pollution data with advanced mapping technology, the app provided users in Brussels with a dynamic visualization of air quality, directly highlighting the advantages of hybrid and electric vehicles.

Screenshots of the Adventure Discount app

The Challenge

Toyota and Happiness Brussels wanted an innovative digital activation to support the launch of the new Auris Hybrid, specifically highlighting the car’s environmental benefits. The goal was to make air pollution data more accessible and engaging for the public, especially in a city like Brussels with high diesel usage and significant particulate matter (PM10) pollution. The solution needed to offer real-time data and provide users with actionable insights to avoid polluted areas.

The Solution

Hyperlaunch responded to this challenge by developing the Air Quality App, featuring:

Technical Details


The Air Quality App quickly gained traction, with over 1,112 downloads shortly after its soft launch. It reached the top 25 most downloaded medical apps in Belgium, effectively sparking conversations around air pollution and sustainable urban mobility. The app’s innovative use of real-time environmental data helped position the Toyota Auris Hybrid as a forward-thinking solution to urban air quality issues, aligning with Toyota’s vision of a cleaner future.

Chris Garrett, CEO of Hyperlaunch, commented, “Developing the Air Quality App was a unique and rewarding experience for our team. We were thrilled to work with an innovative dataset and integrate cutting-edge environmental sensors to create a tangible, visual representation of pollution. This project exemplified our commitment to using technology to deliver impactful and meaningful digital experiences.”


The Air Quality App stands as a prime example of Hyperlaunch’s ability to merge innovative technology with creative concepts to deliver impactful digital activations. By transforming complex pollution data into a user-friendly, real-time tool, Hyperlaunch helped Toyota communicate the ecological benefits of their Auris Hybrid in a powerful and engaging way. For brands looking to connect with audiences on issues of sustainability and innovation, Hyperlaunch is the partner that delivers.

Just build it
Hyperlaunch, 189 Bowery, New York