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Remote Collaboration

Clearview Flex for iOS

Hyperlaunch Develops Clearview Flex iOS App for Tokyo Digital and Sohonet


Hyperlaunch partnered with Tokyo Digital, a digital agency working for Sohonet, to develop the Clearview Flex iOS app. Tokyo Digital selected Hyperlaunch for this project because of our proven expertise in developing real-time streaming services. The app, built using React Native, seamlessly integrates with the broader Clearview Flex platform through its API. It allows directors, such as Peter Jackson, to collaborate on film edits from anywhere globally, streaming high-quality video directly from the editing suite. The Clearview Flex platform, of which this app is an integral part, was honored with an Engineering Emmy Award, recognizing its significant contribution to the television industry.

Screenshots of the Clearview Flex player

The Challenge

Tokyo Digital needed to extend Sohonet’s Clearview Flex—an Emmy Award-winning remote collaboration tool—to iOS devices. While Clearview Flex successfully streams high-quality video using WebRTC in browsers on desktops and Android devices, iOS did not natively support this technology. The challenge was to provide the same powerful functionality to iOS users, ensuring a consistent, high-quality experience across all platforms.

The Solution

Hyperlaunch used its deep expertise in real-time streaming services to deliver a robust, user-friendly app using React Native. Key steps in the development process included:

In addition to the app’s core functionality, Tokyo Digital provided the UI design and necessary artwork, including icons and splash screens, creating a cohesive and visually appealing user experience.

Screenshots of the Clearview Flex home screen

Technical Details


The Clearview Flex iOS app successfully expanded the reach of Sohonet’s Emmy Award-winning platform to iOS devices, enabling creative professionals to collaborate effectively regardless of location. This solution was particularly impactful for high-profile directors and editors, such as Peter Jackson, who required the ability to review and collaborate on edits remotely without sacrificing video quality or security.

Hyperlaunch’s agile development approach, combined with our expertise in streaming technologies, ensured the app was delivered on time and to the highest standards. The app’s success contributed to the broader recognition of the Clearview Flex platform, including its receipt of an Engineering Emmy Award, demonstrating its importance and impact on the media and entertainment industry.


The Clearview Flex iOS app project exemplifies Hyperlaunch’s capability to deliver complex, high-performance applications under challenging conditions. By extending the reach of Sohonet’s premier remote collaboration tool to iOS, Hyperlaunch played a crucial role in enhancing global creative workflows. Our collaboration with Tokyo Digital and Sohonet highlights our commitment to innovation and excellence in app development, solidifying Hyperlaunch as a leader in delivering cutting-edge solutions for the media industry.

Just build it
Hyperlaunch, 189 Bowery, New York