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Empower Artists

Family in Music

Hyperlaunch Develops Family in Music Platform and Writer’s Toolkit


Hyperlaunch was brought in to drive the development of Family in Music, an innovative platform designed to empower emerging artists and songwriters. The platform integrates networking, distribution, and educational tools, enabling artists to connect, share their work, and learn from industry professionals. After successfully launching the initial platform, Hyperlaunch’s work enabled the organization to secure further investment and expand their offerings with the Writer’s Toolkit—a suite of tools aimed at supporting the modern songwriter.

Abstract image of artist

The Challenge

Family in Music faced a significant challenge: they had invested heavily in developing their platform but lacked a working product to show for it. The task was to rescue the project, deliver a functional platform in a tight timeframe, and lay the groundwork for future development. The goal was to launch a robust platform that could facilitate networking, distribution, and education for emerging artists, which would in turn attract further investment.

The Solution

Hyperlaunch adopted a rapid and iterative development process to bring Family in Music’s platform to market. The team focused on delivering a functional and scalable product, ensuring that the platform could grow alongside the needs of its users. Key technologies used in the development included:

Screenshot of FAIM app on tablet

This approach allowed Family in Music to quickly launch their platform, enabling users to start benefiting from its features and paving the way for the development of the Writer’s Toolkit.

Key Features

Screenshot of FAIM app on phone

The Writer’s Toolkit

Following the successful launch of the initial platform, Family in Music expanded its offerings with the Writer’s Toolkit, developed by Hyperlaunch. This suite of tools is designed to support songwriters at various stages of their careers:


Hyperlaunch’s work on Family in Music has had a transformative impact on the company and its users. The platform has not only facilitated the growth of emerging artists but also attracted additional rounds of investment, enabling further expansion and development.

Client Testimonials

Kevin Bacon, CIO of Family in Music, said, “Hyperlaunch made it all possible with their speed, cadence, and deep understanding of technology. The platform they’ve built is a testament to their ability to turn complex ideas into functional, powerful tools that truly empower artists.”

Chris Garrett, CEO of Hyperlaunch, stated, “Working with Kevin and his network is always an opportunity to do something truly disruptive and purposeful. Their vision combined with our technical expertise allowed us to create a platform that is not only innovative but also has a lasting impact on the music industry.”


The development of Family in Music’s platform and Writer’s Toolkit showcases Hyperlaunch’s ability to deliver high-quality, scalable solutions under tight deadlines. By integrating Next.js, AWS, the Arc blockchain, Revelator, and Viberate, Hyperlaunch created a powerful tool that has enabled Family in Music to support and empower the next generation of artists and songwriters. This project underscores Hyperlaunch’s commitment to innovation and its capacity to drive success in the digital music industry.

Just build it
Hyperlaunch, 189 Bowery, New York