Open Source Hyperlaunch


Easy access to the world's territories and continents

bundle add widgeo

Widgeo is a Ruby gem that provides easy access to the world’s territories and their continents. Used in the development of the Domino Release Manager to handle territorial rights, Widgeo helps streamline geographic data management for applications requiring precise regional information.

You can list all continents or territories, filter by properties like continent codes, and access specific regions using methods such as find_by. It provides lightweight, intuitive methods to query geographic data, making it ideal for projects where geography plays a key role.

It supports listing and filtering of continents and territories using standardized country and region codes, with all items accessible via simple getter methods. It’s tested with RSpec, ensuring reliability across projects.

Here’s an example of how to use Widgeo:

# Get a list of all continents
continents = Widgeo::Continent.all

# Get a filtered list of territories in the EU
territories = Widgeo::Territory.filter_by(
  continent_alpha_2: "EU"

# Find a continent by code
continent = Widgeo::Continent.find_by(
  :alpha_2, "EU"

Widgeo is built for developers who need quick access to geographic data in their Ruby applications. It streamlines the process of working with continents and territories, helping teams create rich, location-aware features with minimal effort.

Just build it
Hyperlaunch, 189 Bowery, New York