
Launch Faster. Build Better.

Hyperlaunch is a creative technology company that focuses on helping startups and blue-chip companies design, develop, and launch new products.

We focus on rapid development because we know that time to market is crucial—clients need to spend less time getting ready and more time actively competing in the marketplace. From building location-based discount apps for Toyota’s RAV4 launch to creating AI-powered music platforms for global labels like Universal Music, Hyperlaunch blends creativity with cutting-edge technology to deliver impactful digital solutions with speed and cadence.

Led by Chris Garrett, a product developer with a history of award-winning projects, Hyperlaunch brings a deep understanding of product design and engineering. When projects need additional expertise, we call upon a network of trusted partners, ensuring every challenge is met with the right solution. Whether it’s a mobile app that redefines brand engagement or an AI-powered tool that transforms an industry, Hyperlaunch delivers results that push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Builder. Innovator. Disruptor.

Photo of Chris Garrett

Chris Garrett founded Hyperlaunch to help startups and blue-chip companies bring cutting-edge tech products to market quickly and efficiently. With a passion for rapid development, Chris understands that businesses need less time getting to market and more time thriving in it. His unique approach combines speed with precision, ensuring clients receive beautifully designed software that not only meets their needs but delights their users.

Chris has been building software since his early teens. By 16, he was leading major redesign projects for CNET, and by 18, he was working with the BBC through their Innovation Labs. In his early 20s, Chris ran a venture-backed startup, seed-funded by Universal Music, and has since lead projects that have earned accolades including Webby Awards, an engineering Emmy, and the HSBC Startup Stars Award.

As a product developer, Chris has always focused on creating software that feels intuitive and engaging. When a project needs specialized expertise beyond his skill set, he draws on a network of talented professionals to ensure the highest quality results. His ability to scale teams and build innovative products has made Hyperlaunch a trusted partner for companies seeking to push boundaries and launch groundbreaking tech solutions.

Just build it
Hyperlaunch, 189 Bowery, New York